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First, postoperative eye protection is crucial. After the surgery, patients need to wear protective glasses and eye masks to avoid external stimuli that may harm the eyes. At the same time, it is important to avoid strenuous exercise and lifting heavy objects, as well as prevent eye collision and external pressure on the surgical area. In daily life, contact with places such as ponds and lakes that are prone to infection should also be avoided.

Second, it is necessary to follow the doctor's advice and regularly visit the hospital for follow-up examinations, closely monitoring the postoperative recovery. Doctors will conduct eye examinations and evaluate the surgical outcomes and postoperative recovery based on individual circumstances. During follow-up visits, if there are any discomfort in the eyes or a decrease in vision, it should be reported immediately to the doctor and seek timely medical attention.

Lastly, maintaining eye hygiene is also crucial. Patients should follow the doctor's guidance and properly clean and use eye drops to keep the eyes clean. Moreover, rubbing the eyes should be avoided to prevent eye infections or damage to the surgical area.

Second, postoperative adjustments to diet and lifestyle habits should also be emphasized. Firstly, patients should avoid consuming spicy and stimulating foods and beverages for a period of time after the surgery to avoid affecting the recovery of the surgical site. In addition, excessive fatigue caused by staying up late or overwork should be avoided, ensuring adequate rest.

Furthermore, patients should also avoid excessive use of computers or smartphones for a certain period of time after the surgery to prevent adverse effects on the postoperative recovery. When using these devices, it is important to maintain an appropriate viewing distance and frequently rest and relax the eyes, such as taking breaks from the screen or performing eye massages.

For female patients who regularly use cosmetics, they should also avoid using eye makeup or other cosmetics with irritating ingredients for a period of time after the surgery.

Postoperative discomfort and complications may occur after femtosecond laser surgery, so timely detection and appropriate treatment are crucial. Patients may experience eye pain, dryness, tearing, blurred vision, and other symptoms for a period of time after the surgery. These complications are usually temporary, but if they persist for too long or the symptoms are severe, medical attention should be sought promptly.

In addition, there may be complications such as infection, corneal edema, and photosensitivity after the surgery. If these conditions occur, patients need to report them to the doctor immediately and follow the doctor's advice for treatment. The doctor may prescribe eye drops or other medications, or take other measures to help alleviate the symptoms.


Femtosecond laser surgery in Southampton General Hospital has been widely used in the field of ophthalmology. After the surgery, patients need to pay attention to eye protection, adjustments to diet and lifestyle habits, and management of complications. Proper care and precautions contribute to postoperative recovery and reduce the occurrence of complications. Therefore, patients should closely follow the doctor's guidance, undergo regular follow-up visits, and seek timely medical attention for any abnormal conditions.

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